Économisez grâce aux chevrons préfabriqués

Prefabricated chevrons will save you money !

Securitrim has a proven cost efficient solution!  PREFABRICATED PANELS can reduce instlalation costs up to 75%.
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If you manufacture Emergency Vehicles, you are well aware of the cost to add NFPA compliant conspicuity chevrons to the rear of your apparatus!

Whether you have employee installers or you sub contract your installations, the cost of reflective sheeting added to the installation cost make an appreciable amount!  Plus, coordinating time consuming installations on your assembly line is not always easy.

Securitrim has a proven “cost efficient” solution!   PREFABRICATED PANELS can reduce installation costs up to 75%.  These are jointless and laminated, making them more resistant than roll striping.  By printing 3M approved inks on Diamond Grade, we can produce different color configurations and eliminate your need to purchase and stock various colored rolls.

Profit from our VOLUME REBATES by “mix and matching” various combinations of rear chevron panels, including chevrons for inside each door to lower your cost even more.

The greatest cost saving comes when using custom panels PRE-FITTED to the spec configuration on your engineer’s drawings.  Every cut out and edge is electronically sealed.  You eliminate need for edge sealer tape, as well as adjustments and trimming, since each prefab panel will fit perfectly.

Commercial and municipal fleet managers

Take note of this new cost efficient solution to increase your vehicle safety.  Highly visible chevrons are now pre-fitted for your tailgates or rear panels and take minutes to install without professional installers.

 Your marketing division will appreciate the occasion to flaunt your image by adding your company logo or website with no upcharge while increasing your safety.